How to evaluate the environmental performance of modern wooden tanning drum tanning machines?

The environmental performance of modern wooden tanning drum tanning machines can be evaluated from the following aspects:
1. Use of chemicals: Evaluate whether the tanning machine uses environmentally friendly chemicals to replace traditional harmful chemicals during use, which helps reduce the adverse effects on human health and the environment.
2. Wastewater treatment: Check whether the tanning machine is equipped with effective wastewater treatment technology to reduce harmful substances in wastewater discharge, such as heavy metal chromium, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen, etc.
3. Waste gas emissions: Evaluate whether the tanning machine has measures to reduce waste gas emissions, such as dust, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc., and whether effective waste gas purification technology is used.

4. Solid waste management: Investigate whether the solid waste generated by the tanning machine during the production process is properly handled and recycled, including waste hair, gray leather scraps, etc.
5. Noise control: Evaluate the noise level generated by the tanning machine during operation and whether measures have been taken to reduce the impact of noise.
6. Energy efficiency: Check whether the tanning machine adopts energy-saving technology to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency.
7. Clean production evaluation index system: Refer to the "Clean production evaluation index system for the tanning industry" to evaluate the environmental performance of the tanning machine in terms of production process, equipment, raw and auxiliary materials, product characteristics, management system, etc.
8. Environmental impact assessment: Consider the impact of the tanning machine on the environment throughout the production cycle, including raw material collection, production process, product use and disposal.
9. Compliance with relevant regulations and standards: Ensure that the production and emissions of the tanning machine comply with national and local environmental protection regulations and standards, such as the "National Ecological Environment Standards of the People's Republic of China".
Through the comprehensive evaluation of the above aspects, we can fully understand the environmental performance of modern wooden tanning drum tanning machines and take corresponding measures to improve their environmental friendliness.

Post time: Aug-09-2024